migraine botox

Migraine is one of the most common types of headache and is one of the disorders that seriously reduces the work and social lives of patients. Migraine botox is one of the most comfortable methods in the treatment of migraine. Botulinum toxin produced by Clostridium Botulinum bacteria, known among the people as botox, can be used in the treatment of many ailments, especially in aesthetic applications. After the patients stated that their migraine pain decreased during aesthetic applications, researches on this subject were expanded and it was determined that botox was good for migraine pain. Migraine botox has been used for a long time as an effective treatment to prevent migraine attacks. Memorial Ataşehir Hospital Neurology Department Specialists gave information about migraine botox.

What is migraine botox?

Botox only affects the area where it is injected. Botox has been used effectively in the treatment of migraine for a long time. Some migraine attacks can be experienced frequently, and nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound may develop in these attacks. In these patients, botox can be injected into the areas determined by the doctor, and pain can be prevented by providing miscommunication between the muscles and nerves.

For which patients is migraine botox suitable?

Although migraine botox is widely used in the treatment of migraine, it may not be suitable for every patient. For migraine botox treatment, the patient must have an average of 2 or more migraine attacks per month or have a headache exceeding 10 days. It is important that about 8 days of headaches experienced are migraine-like headaches. Headache and nausea, sensitivity to light and sound along with headache, and the negative effects of headache on daily life can be listed as migraine symptoms. The fact that patients experience these symptoms once a month is also an important symptom of migraine.

Migraine botox application is not suitable for pregnant women.

Likewise, migraine botox treatment is not applied to women who are breastfeeding.

Migraine botox treatment is not suitable for patients under the age of 18.

Migraine botox is not used for treatment in people with certain muscle diseases.

What are the advantages of migraine botox?

Migraine attacks can completely restrict a person’s daily life. Many effects such as nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, sensitivity to light and sound, and the desire to be alone can be seen in patients. Various drugs used in the treatment of migraine can also have side effects. Thanks to migraine botox, patients can get rid of their complaints and lead a healthy life. In addition, the person will be freed from the side effects of heavy migraine drugs and regular drug use.

How is migraine botox done?

Migraine botox application is not an application that the patient can do on his own. It is a form of treatment that should be applied by a trained and experienced doctor. Small needles are used in the treatment of migraine botox. Botox is injected into the temples, forehead, certain muscles in the neck and the back of the head that cause headaches. Botox inhibits the effects of chemicals that play a role in pain transmission by affecting the nerve endings in the area where it is injected. In standard practice, botox injections are made at 33 points. However, the doctor who continues the treatment decides how much botox to be injected in a single session. In patients who experience more migraine pain at a certain point, more botox injections can be made at these points.

When does migraine botox show its effect?

The effects of migraine botox application may differ from person to person. The severity of the attacks and the response of the person to the treatment are effective in this. However, in general, migraine botox treatment shows its effect 15 days after the application. In treatment-resistant patients, migraine botox can be used in combination with migraine vaccine.

How many sessions of migraine botox should be done?

Migraine botox treatment is applied 3 sessions a year, as a standard, every 4 months in the first year. After the first application, the second application is made within 4-6 months. Then, it can be repeated in 4-6 months or longer depending on the patient’s needs.

How long does the effect of migraine botox treatment last?

The effects of migraine botox treatment may vary from person to person. The intensity and severity of migraine attacks play an important role in the effectiveness of migraine botox. In general, the effect of migraine botox treatment lasts for an average of 4 to 6 months. The success rate in controlling migraine-induced pain is very high.

What are the side effects of migraine botox treatment?

Migraine botox application does not have serious side effects. It is important that the application is done by doctors who are experts in their fields and experienced in this field.

The side effects that can be seen after migraine botox treatment can be listed as follows;

An allergic reaction may occur at the injection site.

Mild pain or bleeding at the injection site

In long-term frequent use of migraine botox, the body can produce antibodies against botox. This may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment over time.

If side effects are observed after migraine botox application, a doctor should be consulted.