facial aesthetics with botox

Forehead, around the eyes (crow’s feet), between the eyebrows, on the side wall of the nose, fine lines on the lips, wrinkles around the mouth and wrinkles and bands on the skin of the neck are formed as a result of the contraction of the facial and neck mimic muscles. The lines between the eyebrows and on the side wall of the nose cause an angry facial expression, the lines around the eyes and on the forehead cause an old and tired facial expression, and the lines around the mouth cause a sad facial expression.
By temporarily blocking the contraction of the mimic muscles in these areas of the face, Botox eliminates the tired, angry and sad facial expression, resulting in a younger, more vigorous facial expression without wrinkles.
Botox is applied to the muscles that cause wrinkles with a fine-tipped needle. It is not a painful procedure, only a slight burning and pain is felt in that area. After the procedure, the area should not be rubbed so that the botox does not spread to the surrounding muscles.

What are the percent application areas?

Forehead lines,
Brow lines,
Crow’s feet,
Correction of fine lines on the upper lip,
Eyebrow lifting,
Correction of wrinkles and bands on the neck skin.